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Back to School
Published on Aug 16, 2016 12:58

I know we have a few days left- almost 3 weeks for students but I wanted to give you a heads up on important dates and clarify uniform expectations. August 17-18 are DGN uniform sales.  I have posted uniform pieces on Twitter and Instagram. August 30th-9:30-2 is Grade 9 orientation.  Sept 1 is a PA day for staff and thus they are unavailable.  Sept 2nd is a board holiday.  Students have lockers for life so they will have same locker as last year. Grade 9s will get their locker on the 30th. Mentors and Student Council and staff will be available all day on the 30th for questions for grade 9s.  Timetable changes will not happen until AFTER the 2nd day of school as most were done during and after exams . Students are to go to classes assigned to them - don't worry we will work it out.  Please enjoy the rest of your summer.  We look forward to another great year. God bless!