Current Grade 10 Students and Parents
Published on Feb 10, 2017 11:01
Dear Parent / Guardian,
This message has been sent to Grade 10 parents from the Patrick Fogarty Guidance Team. During the week of Feb. 13 – 17, we will be commencing our course selection process for the 2017-18 academic year. This is a critical process that we encourage all parents and students to be actively involved in.
As your son / daughter proceeds to Grade 11, we feel it necessary to provide you with additional information. On Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, at 6 pm, we will be having a Grade 10 Parent Information Night. During this event, we will be providing comprehensive information on pathway planning. In addition, there will be a keynote address by school board psychologist Dr. Robert Duck on how to build resiliency in teens. We will also be providing breakout sessions in subject specific areas such as Math, Science, Social Sciences, and Co-op/OYAP. It is hoped that all Grade 10 parents will make every effort to attend this presentation.
To help support your son / daughter, you will be able to access and edit their course selections at www.careercruising. com. Each student has a unique username and password for this website. The username is “SMC-“ followed by the student’s 6 digit student number. The default password is the student’s home postal code (with no space). Please check with your son / daughter to verify this login information.
We have arranged for each Period 1 Grade 10 class to spend 30 minutes with Mr. Bosco during Feb. 13-17 in order to review login instructions and set priorities for selecting courses. It is hoped that students will communicate the information from this session to parents so that final course selections will be completed on the Careercruising website by March 3rd.
If you have any questions, please contact Fred Bosco ([email protected]).
Thanks for your continued cooperation!
The PF Guidance Team